The relationship between MAK Aandrijvingen and its suppliers is at the level of partners. MAK has direct access to the engineering and production division of all its suppliers. Our customers benefit from this direct access to the specific knowhow at these specialists.
All manufacturers represented by MAK Aandrijvingen are leaders in their field, they are ahead in product-specific developments and are therefore one of the leading manufacturers within their discipline. Several partners of MAK even work closely together.
The choices made by MAK together with its customers and suppliers are due to the transparant way of communication and working, always the most optimum. The independent position of MAK provides the customer with the most efficient solution.
To always have the right materials at the right time is guaranteed by the large stock that MAK keeps at its modern premises in Lelystad.
MAK has automated the entire process of communication and production. This automation has been carried through to the supplier, enabling MAK to perform as an essential link in the Supply Chain between customer and manufacturer.